
UMBC Transit

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm sitting on one of the UMBC Transit buses on my way home from my first day in the research lab. Right now we're sitting in gridlock tighter than your arteries on McDonald's. Buses and cars are cutting in everywhere; another bus nearly took off our right hand mirror while I watched.

Part of the problem in situations like these are the intersections. Especially in cities on a grid system, it should be illegal to enter an intersection when it is obvious you won't be able to make it to the other side. Not only do you not get anywhere, the people on the perpendicular road are completely prevented from moving. Perhaps a few strategically placed walking or bicycle cops could quietly enforce the rule by knocking on the windows of these cholesterol nuggets and notifying them that their ticket will be arriving shortly by mail.

Whatever the method, keeping intersections clear even during heavy traffic situations is paramount to keep things moving as well as possible and to preserve general safety.