
Welcome to SGA-Students!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


If you're reading this, you've somehow found out about this little echelon of the SGA Student Body, so some form of our advertising has worked. At any rate, this is a place where a few crazy individuals get to give you an opportunity to peer inside the oh-so-secretive world of the UMBC Student Government Association. Try as we might, people still walk around campus scratching their heads, wondering what it is we do all day. Others hear the word "government" and immediately assume we are responsible for all ills both on and off campus, or that we are somehow out to "get the best" of the students.

Let me take this opportunity to dispel a few of the myths right now, and hopefully, these answers will become increasingly clear in the coming weeks and months. First off, we spend quite a bit of our time doing the same stuff you do. I think it's fair to assume that we're all here to get an education, and many times that does end up being the highest priority task in a day for us. Life is always a delicate balance, and I apologize for the times when the precarious leveling operation we attempt makes it difficult to find somebody or get a question answered.

Second, the purpose of the SGA is not to "govern" the student body so much as it is to support them. We are elected by and exist for you in all the various incarnations and responsibilities. I know it can be difficult to see at times exactly how that works to your favor, but this space is one of the many ways we are attempting to close that information gap in this and future semesters.

I encourage you to keep reading as we work out the kinks, possibly change locations, software, add contributors, tweak the look, etc. If you want to leave any feedback, feel free to email, or if you'd like to contact me personally,

Thank you for your support!