
Who, What, Why, When, How, and Welcome!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I’m not really sure how to start out something like this. Its a new endeavor for myself and the SGA - I’ll start it out with the old stand-by questions:


I’m Erin and I’ll be writing in this blog to entertain you and inform you of things around campus that are also entertaining. The first thing I’d like to say is that I’m no English major but this isn’t about verbal eloquence or perfect grammar, though I will spell check, this is about you, UMBC, and all things related.

You’re not stuck with only me - there will be other ‘bloggers’ and I’m sure they will introduce themselves in their first post.


What am I going to talk about? Anything around campus that I feel you should know about or find personally interesting.

I’m not going to advertise an event just to advertise an event. This is supposed to act as a place for people to talk about things in a casual environment.


I understand there are already many places for you to find what’s going on, but this one will be different. I know its a big promise to make but I promise to make this informative yet engaging.

The most important thing is that I hope this won’t be a chore to read.


We don’t really have a set schedule for posting entries. We’ll update this as often as needed.


How can you be involved? If you have any event you’d like to bring to our attention we’d love to hear about it. You can email us at . Also, if you’re interested in joining our blogging team or have any questions you’d like to ask about any of the bloggers or the blog itself - feel free to send us an email.

Welcome the the SGA-Students blog!