
Webmail (

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

While on my own computer I have all of my email accounts configured through Outlook, I often find the need to access my email account via the web-based interface. While for the most part this system works relatively well, one of my ongoing dissatisfactions with the setup is its lack of HTML support. Many of the newsletters UMBC sends out, along with mass emails from several organizations and newsletters to which I subscribe. While many emails do contain links to HTML versions that can be viewed in a browser, I have noticed that some of UMBC's emails do not include this feature, instead rendering only as a mass of links and bracketed HTML code.

This prompts me to ask the question, is it possible to add HTML support to our web-based email client? That being impossible, could we instead promote in-house the sending of plaintext option emails with links to view the formatted version outside of the webmail client?