
Elani Odeyale Addresses Prove It Winner Selection

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Today, Green Space was announced as the 2008 Prove It! Winning Proposal. A well-developed proposal, the space will be both practical and aesthetically pleasing, using a well-trafficked but underutilized space. This project is realistically achievable within the upcoming months, and the campus community will be invited to share in the creation of this project. Green Space serves as symbol of Prove It!, demonstrating the significant potential of academic innovation and student ingenuity. Especially given the monetary and time constraints of the intiative, we believe this proposal best represents the ideals of Prove It!. Congratulations, once again, to Michelle, David and Thomas.

As the chair of the Selection Committee, it is imperative that I express how impressed we were by these final proposals. Each of the Final Five projects presented a worthy addition to our campus. It's equally important to consider the combination of factors that impacted our decision. As I stated in this afternoon's ceremony, Prove It! challenged the entire campus community and reflected the realities of creating change on such a large scale. We are currently coordinating a meeting with the finalists to share recommendations for important modifications as well as the next steps for each of the finalists. I am excited to say that this will not be the last we hear of the final proposals.

Thank you to all who were involved with Prove It!--from the students who accepted the challenge to submit their ideas to the staff members who worked tirelessly on advertising efforts--you are greatly appreciated and should take pride in your role in such a ground-breaking initiative.



Elani Odeyale
Vice President, SGA
Prove It! Selection Committee Chair

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Anonymous said...

What role did the student feedback play in the decision?

Anonymous said...

This was posted on the student response homepage:

"This information [student feedback] will be weighed against feasibility concerns and the development of the proposal details. Student response will be especially significant in the continued planning of all the finalists."

Some proposals had some major concerns or were heavily impacted by university processes and, therefore, the integrity of the idea could not be maintained if implemented. So, the committee considered the suggestions, options and questions students raised and has significant recommendations for each of the finalists (significant meaning they are solid next steps, not alternatives).

When we meet with the finalists over the next two weeks, I think you'll be excited to hear how they'll be able to move forward.

Anonymous said...

obviously student feedback was not counted enough in this instance as most everyone I know would have preferred to revamp the pond. There is far more traffic between the library and classes and the commons then anywhere else on campus, I have no idea how this idea was neglected.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to hearing more about how the other projects may move forward, where can I find updates?