
SGA Now Accepting Additional Allocation Requests for next September and October

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The SGA Finance Board is now accepting funding requests for events that will be taking place in next September and October. Please fill out an additional allocation request form (either on paper or digitally using Frogger ( for all events that your organization will be having in September and October 2008 (next school year). You can find the PDF version of the Additional Allocation Request here:

If your organization already submitted requests for events in September and October of next year during the initial budgeting process this past fall, you will be hearing back regarding those requests shortly. If you have questions regarding what you did request, feel free to email me at

Also be aware that there will be at least two treasurer training sessions occurring the first week of May run by whoever the new SGA Treasurer for next year will be and myself. This will be substitute sessions for next year's treasurer training.