
SGA Presidential Candidate Debates

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Election Board will be hosting a debate between the three President/Vice President tickets this week. Be sure to attend or submit questions beforehand to him via email ( UMBCtv will be filming the debates, so they should be viewable after the fact via the UMBCtv website.

When: This Wednesday at 7:00 PM.

Where: Student Organizations Space, 2nd floor of the Commons building (between Flat Tuesdays and the Gameroom)


Anonymous said...

does anyone know the topics that are going to be debated?

michael hin*** said...

The debates will be live on UMBCtv and viewers are free to message in any questions. The videos will [b]NOT[/b] be on UMBCtube. They will be on the UMBCtv website at these are completly seperate.