
Green Space Update

Saturday, November 15, 2008

SGA Office of Student Initiatives Staff Member and former SGA Vice President Elani Odeyale has provided an update on Green Space, the winning Prove It proposal.

What's new?
Since early August, Green Space Team Chair, Michelle Eisemann, SGA's Tabassum Majid and Elani have been meeting with Facilities Management. The proposal's Project Managers have invested incomparable talent and a great deal of time into realizing the Green Space vision. Earlier this month, the design was finalized according to construction and timeline requirements and the incorporation of green materials.
What's next?
Over the winter, the construction documents will go through the procurement process, and construction is scheduled for early March, given proper weather conditions. As noted in the proposal, the Green Space Team would like the unveiling ceremony to be a tribute to community collaboration, inviting the campus to participate in planting greenery.