
Residential Life Clarifies Smoking Policy Enforcement

Thursday, March 12, 2009

After some inquiry from students, Residential Life clarified their interpretation of the smoking policy at a recent meeting of the Community Directors, affirming that the inclusion of designated smoking areas in the UMBC Smoking Policy is not meant to prohibit smoking everywhere else on campus.

A source in Residential Life confirmed that ResLife will only be enforcing the 20 foot policy henceforth.

A rumor had previously circulated leading CD's and RA's to believe that the policy meant that if students smoked anywhere on campus besides the designated smoking areas, they could be subject to punitive action. Emails claiming this interpretation were sent to residents, and fliers were posted in residence halls containing this false information.

Hopefully this clarification will alleviate undue restrictions on students and allow for accurate enforcement of the actual policy in place.

For a more detailed description of how this clarification came about, visit my personal blog entry on The Rainbow Road Less Travelled By.


Anonymous said...

bout f'ing time. we got yelled at for smoking hookah at elk at one of the tables that was def. 20 ft from the building, w/ the "designated smoking" area like right behind us. this school is retarded sometimes

Anonymous said...

Although it's not required to use the designated smoking areas, it is common courtesy and everyone around you appreciates it when you use them.

Anonymous said...

I just wish it wasn't allowed out side of doors. I hate having to hold my breath when I walk in and out of buildings. Smokers need to understand that people like me have a strong reaction to the smell and smoke from Cigarettes. Smoke somewhere where you aren't bothering those who wish to save our lungs, and health!

Anonymous said...

Agree with number 3. Though I think the 20 foot policy does restrict smokers from smoking right by doors. Other than that I agree.

Anonymous said...


smoking on campus has never been a problem. i don’t really understand why all of a sudden it has blown up into a big issue.

paula, props to pointing out everyone’s dumbassery.

everyone else, stfu. breathing in second hand smoke for 10 seconds while you walk into a building isn’t going to give you lung cancer.