
Transcript Fee: The Saga Continues

Monday, March 2, 2009

Quite a number of things have taken place since the Senate meeting last month where the transcript fee was discussed with Mrs. Yvette Mozie-Ross and Dr. Steve Robinson. A large number of students were in attendance, but for those who were not (or those interested in reviewing the discussion), the official minutes have been posted here.

The plan post-meeting has been for the SGA President to send a letter to President Hrabowski, a move that has been delayed by the recent shifts in SGA's leadership.

Last week, SGA President Gabe Rettaliata sent an official letter to President Hrabowski concerning this fee. At this point, it's been about 2 business days since the letter has been received and we are currently awaiting a response.

Relevant contact information is as follows:

Yvette Mozie-Ross:
Dr. Steve Robinson:
SGA President Gabe Rettaliata:
SGA Speaker of the Senate Rahilla Tarfa:

Click here to see all Zwybak posts on this issue.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this info. I'm hopeful that UMBC will reevaluate this issue.

I was planning to apply to UMBC Graduate School next year when I graduate. But I recently found out that UMBC charges for an official transcript FROM UMBC undergrad school TO UMBC grad school!!!

Does that make sense?

And I would have to pay the fee not once, but twice?!?! Once when I apply, for the official UMBC undergrad transcript for the UMBC grad school application, and again after I graduate, for an updated transcript.

Please UMBC.....think seriously about this fee, particularly for UMBC grad applicants.

I know budgets are tight and $8 may not sound like much, but most of us work several jobs and have student debt to contend with. I love UMBC and rarely complain about policies, but this one just seems wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

pfft. it's too late for most people. priority consideration for most grad schools is next week (at least umbc, is 3/15) if the deadline hasn't already passed for others. i already sent out 4 grad school applications and had to pay 32 bucks in transcript fees. will i get a refund? not bloody likely.

minteh said...


A response has been received.

Gabe Rettaliata, SGA President, and a few other students will meet with the Provost over Spring break to discuss this issue in more detail. You should expect an update after that.
