
It's Time to VOTE!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The polls for this year's SGA elections are opening at 12:00 AM, and will run until 11:59 PM on Wednesday. There are a number of contested races for positions that have a lot of influence over how your student fees are spent and how policies are made at UMBC.

Information about all candidates is listed on the SGA website. Direct links to their official profiles are below.


Vice President for Student Organizations:
Finance Board:

Additionally, a number of candidates have participated in interviews and debates. A full video of the debates has been made available here, while the WMBC radio interview can be downloaded here. Ongoing coverage of the election has been provided by The Retriever Weekly.

Also on the ballot is Referendum A, a proposal supported by SGA that is explained here.

Be sure to take a short amount of time over the next few days to log in to Blackboard and cast your vote!


Anonymous said...

So, how many voters will show up this time? 150? 200? Nice.