

Monday, October 22, 2007

One thing I realized people might not have checked out yet - the titles of these entries are links, so you can either click on them to read the entry on its own page, or, as I often do, be directed to something related to the post. Check it out and see what kinds of stuff we've been looking at!

Anyway, UMBC's Homecoming celebration was amazing. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to attend the bonfire, as I had a test to study for that was Friday morning (which I ended up doing rather well on, if you'll forgive me tooting my own horn a bit). I spent a good part of Friday looking forward to the free ice cream and talent show, which also impressed. I am proud to say that Daniel Roberts, maser guitarist, is a fellow graduate of my high school. This man is probably going to be the greatest musician to graduate from UMBC. If you missed him at the talent show, you can see a few of last year's videos on his YouTube page - hopefully he'll put up some videos from this year soon.

Saturday night was Jim Gaffigan, which was also a great use of $10. I took the risk and invited my mom and brother to the show and he didn't disappoint. Both of them laughed heartily throughout the show which makes me happy. Maybe now my brother will show up for the Festivus Accappellius in November.

Today began yet another busy week as I attended a meeting discussing the changing environment of UMBC's Food Services. I'm confident we'll be seeing a lot of positive efforts come out of this. We also spent a good amount of time both before and after the Senate meeting planning the advertising campaign for the upcoming Prove It! initiative. Since many of us involved don't have the time to put into designing a good logo, we put out a request to some groups replete with such "artsy folk" to see what kind of a design they can cook up. Of course, we need it by Friday, so we're throwing in $75 for the winning designer to sweeten the pot a little. This is kind of a little test of the ideas behind the Prove It! initiative itself, so I'm excited to see how it works out. The folks across the hall in SEB sure seemed excited when we told them about it, so I'm hopeful for a good response with some excellent designs to choose from.

That's it for now, but be sure we'll be keeping you updated as these things continue to develop. Believe me, before you know it you won't be able to get away from the Prove It! initiative...