
UMBC Underground

Monday, October 29, 2007

I was just told about another awesome UMBC-related blog, UMBC Underground. I hope linking to it from here doesn't bring them "above ground" but I really liked what I saw at first glance. Hey, it's a blog, and blogs always want more readers, right?

I haven't done much exploring (but I'm sure I will later tonight) so I don't really know who's behind their operation, but it seems like it's just a bunch of concerned students trying to help out the rest of the community. That's the kind of thing that really gets me excited - we need more people like that taking action around our campus. Notice I say "taking action", because I think a whole lot of people here are interested in helping others, they just haven't taken the plunge yet. Or possibly worse, they have but yet others haven't recognized them.

Anyway, check out UMBC Underground, add their feed to your RSS reader, all that good stuff.


Anonymous said...

the site is

SteelWolf said...

Sorry about that, I added the link.

Anonymous said...

Hey steelwolf, thanks for adding the link. And thanks anonymous for adding, too.