
Add This!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm really relatively new to this whole blogging thing, so I've been looking around at other places and seeing the kind of things they offer that help make their pages interesting. One thing I've seen that seems pretty handy are the links that allow you to post stories you like on Facebook, Digg, or other sites that allow users to contribute links and items.

Thanks to Add This! I've added a nice little button that appears at the end of every blog post that allows you to share the post with the social site of your choice. I know many people at UMBC use Facebook - this corresponds to the "share" feature available there. Using this button allows you to post an item on your Facebook page with a link back to the blog post and a short preview.

Of course, I'm sure all of this code will make things even harder for Erin if and when she rolls out a real template for us, but in the meantime we'll try it out and see how it works.

Share us!


Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for the heads up. I think we'll look into that...
Your site's looking solid..