
RSA's Town Hall Meeting

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yesterday was the RSA Town Hall meeting where representatives from ResLife, Food Services, Parking Services, OIT and police department were present. Students were able to ask their burning questions and get insight into how various departments at UMBC plan to address our concerns. Here are a couple topics that were brought up and discussed...

-There are no future plans to relocate the satellite lot to give freshman a chance to park on campus.
- Someone proposed adding more levels to the parking garages but that would cost near $20,000-$22,000 per parking space.
- A way of making monthly payments for parking tickets if you have a lot to pay off, because unpaid tickets might may halt registering for classes.

Food Service:
- Looking into healthier food options
-Dietician available to make trips to campus
-Looking into starting new meal plan options next year. Such as...
- Unlimited dining options (you can swipe your card once and visit the dining hall as many times during the day)
- Block plan options
- Many students complained about not being able to use their meals if they knew they would have extra meals left over due to the time restrictions. However, the miss meal factor is taken into consideration when pricing the meal plans. Which means we aren't exactly expected to use every meal so they don't exactly charge us for EVERY meal.
-Planning on having a different food venue open on the weekends at the Commons every other Saturday. Next Saturday will be Sandella's.

- The master plan is being worked on this year and will hopefully be revealed next year.

- Looking into getting wireless every where in residential halls.

-Try to get more blue light phones around campus

Unfortunately I had to leave early and wasn't there for the very last bit but this is what I got from it and hope it answers some of your questions.


sameera said...

Awesome, thanks so much for the recap Neketa! I'm really glad that they talked about having healthier food options, more flexibility with the meal plans, and the wireless network because I know a lot of us want some change with regards to these issues. Hopefully next year will reflect what was said yesterday.

SteelWolf said...

I'm curious, who said that line about the "missed meal factor"? Everybody I've talked to related to food services this year has dismissed that as one of the not-quite-true standbys from the past.