
It's a Small World After All

Saturday, December 1, 2007

You know those incidents in which you meet someone and it turns out they know someone who knows someone that you know? And then you go oh my, this is such a small world we are living in... everyone knows what I am talking about, it happens all the time. Well, I thought that going to a school for college that was the exact opposite of my high school (130 girls in each grade), would allow these occurrences to happen less, yet they continue to happen to me here.
My second day in psych 100 I sit next to a guy. I ask him a question about something and we start talking. He introduces himself and then I introduce myself. It turnouts out, this guy, Lucas, is my best friend's boyfriend.
The weirdest incident though happened also in the beginning of the semester. I did not take a tour of UMBC, instead, I allowed my brother, Amir and his friend, Cyrus, to give me a tour of the school in their perspective. In order to show me the dorms, they called their friend Mike and Mike showed me his room in Erickson. I was thoroughly impressed with the room, but all three guys told me that this was the best dorm and there was no way I would get into Erickson. Here I am though, typing away in my room in Erickson, but not just any room... the same exact room Mike was living in last year. And who is the "Mike"? Well it happens to be the person that created the blog, Steelwolf.
There has been plenty of other crazy incidents here at UMBC. It is just sort of weird who the world works...whether it is the people we meet and the ways we know them or the way things turnout when you least expect them to.


sameera said...

lol I know exactly what you mean! One example from this semester: The first day of chem tutorial, my tutor looks at me and tells me that she recognizes me from somewhere. This seems weird to me because she doesn't look familiar to me AT ALL lol. She then asks me if I know her cousin, and I'm like "omg YEAH, she's my good friend!!" hahah Turns out that we met at a party a looong time ago at my friend's house, and I guess she remembered me from there. :)

..That story was really unnecessary but oh well. :D

SteelWolf said...

Fancy you not only living in my dorm and in my room, but on my side of the room, in the very same configuration Milkshake and I left it. Small world indeed.