
UMBC: Broadening my Intellectual Horizons

Friday, December 7, 2007

One thing that has been especially wonderful about my experience at UMBC so far has been my exposure to an environment made up of people from so many diverse backgrounds. Each person brings their own perspective and worldview placed a varied distance on the spectrum from my own. This kind of exposure has both allowed me to broaden my own view of the world and helped me to further define what I think, the end result being that I have been able to form opinions and beliefs that acknowledge concerns and ideas I never would have considered before.

UMBC often provides me with an excellent forum for "trying out" my opinions and beliefs through discussion and debate with my fellow students. I think of these largely as learning experiences for myself rather than opportunities to change another's mind, as the exercise helps me to further refine what I think as well as raises points I may have neglected to consider.

It might sound a little mushy but it's been true for me, and I strongly encourage others to take advantage of the wonderful opportunities for personal expansion UMBC's community provides.