
Threepenny Opera

Saturday, December 8, 2007

There really is something to be said for deciding to just up and do something. I've been meaning to go to a UMBC theater production since my first semester here but never actually got around to purchasing tickets and showing up.

This time, I decided to change that and reserved my tickets early for tonight's showing of the Threepenny Opera. Since I was a student, I was able to get tickets for both myself and my significant other for a grand total of $10 (slightly more than one regular priced movie ticket). Wow, was I impressed with the show. There are some very talented people here and it was clear that they had put some solid effort into making this production a success. We both seriously enjoyed ourselves and I am looking forward to attending future theater productions on campus.

This is just one of the awesome things at UMBC I have passed over in the past as a science major. I'm going to try not to make that mistake again - this sure made for a great date!


sameera said...

lol "just do it"
I need to manage my time so that I can actually go out and enjoy more of this kinda stuff next semester. :)