
From the President's Desk

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hey everyone! Every Monday, I'm going to be posting an update on what happened last week as well as what to look forward to this week. Most of my energy lately has been going towards Election Night Extravaganza. This event, which will be starting tomorrow night at 7pm in the Commons, offers the UMBC community a chance to come together and celebrate the elections. We will be having big screen TVs on Main Street (in front of the Bookstore) broadcasting different channels as the results come in. Free pizza and soda will be available earlier in the program up in the Student Organizations Area, and we will be providing coffee and hot chocolate in lower Flat Tuesdays. We have a ton of Obama and McCain masks to give out as well. Once you get your mask, you should head over to the Gameroom and participate in our Four Man Jousting or Basketball Moonbounce inflatable games! The Commons, who helped us a lot with costs for the facilities as well as coffee and hot chocolate, have agreed to extend their hours past midnight too.

Four years ago, this event pulled in over 1,000 students throughout the night. We're expecting to crush those numbers tomorrow, so make sure you show up!Lastly, if you are registered to vote in this area, there will be a shuttle going back and forth between the Commons Circle and Catonsville High School between 12-5pm tomorrow. Please take advantage of this service!


Anonymous said...

Why aren't there any other posts...has the president turned into a lame duck already?

Steve Gilmore lies!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding, this joker was lame before he even got elected. The fact that somebody like him is in charge makes a lousy organization like sga even worse.