
Prove What?

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy November!

Now that we're through everybody's favorite part of October, it's time to look ahead to what's going to be happening this month.

  • We established a record of 10 posts last month - I'm pretty sure we're going to top that this month.
  • The Black and Gold Commission is hosting their second tailgate
  • Student Organization Advocates are hosting a dinner for Student Org leaders
  • The Senate puts the Idea Development Tool into practice and strives to become a more effective group
  • Budget Deliberations finishing up
  • Prove IT!
Wait, what was that last one? Prove what? Prove IT is an exciting new initiative sponsored by the SGA to help tap the creativity and enthusiasm of our campus community to make change at UMBC. It's a bold challenge - if you are walking around UMBC and think, "I wish this was different" we are inviting you to prove it by taking steps to turn that thought into a reality.

Here's how it works: We are going to be accepting applications from any loose association of students (i.e. you and a few friends) detailing their plan for doing something to positively impact the campus. No restrictions, just pure outside-the-box thinking. Applications can be submitted starting Monday through the end of December, so there is plenty of time to put some good effort into the idea.

However, the application process is just the beginning. The three best submissions, chosen by a committee comprised of students and administrators, will be presented to the campus community in a vote. The final winning group will receive $50,000 and backing of both the SGA and the campus administration to make their idea a reality before the end of Spring semester. That's $50,000 backing something that you and your friends dreamed up!

It doesn't stop there. As an incentive for doing all that work, the SGA is giving the winning group $5,000 to use however they wish. This is a payment of real money, folks - not a scholarship, not gift cards, but $5,000 in cash given directly to your group.

You will be seeing all kinds of advertisements for this initiative over the coming months, beginning with the official kick-off beneath the breezeway this Monday. This is the chance to prove to the rest of the campus that you have what it takes to change UMBC for the better. UMBC is packed with amazing students so I'm really looking forward to seeing all of the submissions. Start thinking, everybody.

Prove it!


sameera said...

Yup, we'll definitely have way more then 10 posts this month. I can't wait until Prove It's launch on Monday!! :D

Anonymous said...

Where can people get an application for prove it?
It's an awesome idea and I hope it catches with people.

SteelWolf said...

Good question! We're going to have a version available for download from , and we're going to be handing out paper versions beginning Monday (which is also when the website should launch)

Mark Stewart said...

OK, I've got to be the nosey one to ask, but how can SGA give out $5000 cash to individual students? Isn't that an illegal use of student fees?

David Hoffman said...

Hey Mark. Rest assured, Prove It! is perfectly legal. UMBC's lawyers have given it the OK.