
Sorry, Senate

Monday, November 5, 2007

I missed the Senate meeting tonight, which really sucks because as Assistant Speaker I don't really get excuses. That being said, it's totally not my fault!

A bit of explanation. The Senate meetings start at 5:30, so months ago when I scheduled this particular doctor's appointment I figured I would have plenty of time to get there, have the appointment, and return. Especially when the offices are only about 20 minutes away, right?

No, it wasn't even traffic. It was the office itself. I was there early for the appointment, signed my name, waited a long time, got the pre-evaluation, waited even longer, and then began to wonder exactly how long this was going to take. When the other doctors and employees started packing up and leaving, I began to get worried. Despite the sign reading "cell phone use prohibited", I finally gave up hope of making the meeting and messaged several folks in SGA hoping that at least one of them would get it and realize where I was. I didn't get seen until a quarter after six. I was literally one of the last patients in the office.

Makes me wonder what happened earlier that day to get him so behind. And for once, I'll actually have to read the minutes for the sole purpose of figuring out what happened. Ouch.


sameera said...
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sameera said...

lol You wrote a whole entry just to explain why you weren't there?! Don't worry about it!

You actually missed a pretty good meeting -- we got really far in terms of assigning work for Senators to do outside of room 318. I hope the progress that we saw today continues! :D

SteelWolf said...

It's really a shame that I missed it... :(