
UMBC Scheduler

Sunday, November 4, 2007

That's right, the UMBC Scheduler is back by popular demand - or rather, my demands, and TimK's valiant efforts. This little program revolutionizes scheduling your classes as it allows you to visualize how your courses will fit into your day beforehand, not to mention eliminating ones that conflict and showing you which extra classes you can take.

I strongly recommend trying this out - go on over to TimK's site, Halflight Studios, and take the headache out of course registration!


sameera said...

yay! i thought it was gone, but i'm glad it's not! :)

SteelWolf said...

It's still a little quirky so please contact us if and when you find bugs. And as always, cross-check what the scheduler tells you against the real course schedule.

sameera said...

The scheduler doesn't show any math classes.. or any subjects that come alphabetically after Information Systems, actually... :(

SteelWolf said...

Latest database fixed that; however, labs are still throwing everything off.

SteelWolf said...
