
Breaking Boards in FYC!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Except it was only one board at a time!
Hey everyone!

So tonight First Year Council had their last meeting of the semester, and an activity we all participated in was one you may or may not be familiar with. I know SGA students, some SEB students, and many other people have learned how to do this exercise, those of you who havn't experienced it, I really recommend trying it! OSL sponsored or conducted the activity taking us step by step through how to go about breaking the wooden boards that were laying on two spaced out cement blocks. First, we all wrote out goals or a main goal we would like to accomplish here at UMBC on one side of the wooden board. Then, on the opposite side we wrote the obstacles we will have to face upon reaching that goal. Finally, after signing a liability waiver, and getting instructions and demonstrations, each member took a turn busting in half this relatively thick piece of wood (obstacle side up-signifying that we were conquering our obstacles in a sense.) A few of the members being a little apprehensive and doubtful at first fed off of each other's courage, and one by one successfully split the boards into two, or sometimes three sections. Using the palm of your hand, the power of your leg muscles, and going with the grain of the wood this once impossible seeming task, turned out to be not that hard at all. This liberating experience definitely relieved a lot of stress, built up agression, and just provided a sense of self-accomplishment. I definitely suggest you go out and try it... maybe with the assistance or guidance of someone from OSL or someone who has experience and can help you a long.


SteelWolf said...

Breaking the board was definitely one of my favorite parts of the SGA retreat. A lot of it is symbolic but I felt really empowered afterward, and plus it's just really cool to know that you broke that board! I actually still have the pieces in my room...