
Bold New Look, Same Great Taste!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

If you've gotten this far, congratulations on finding the new location. Don't forget to update your RSS feed by dragging the giant orange RSS symbol to your Bookmarks toolbar or feed reader.

For those who have been following SGA-Students over the past week or so, you are ware that it has been heavily transformed. One of the final additions to this chaos was the change of name to something I think everybody will find a bit more interesting.

I will probably continue to play with the layout over the next few weeks as I try to wrest the Minyx template code to my will - a task that has proved rather challenging given my general ineptitude and the necessity of translating everything from Spanish. I've been counting my victories - I have some very competent friends who have generously donated their time toward helping me get this going, and it could have been written in French.

At the recent SGA Spring Retreat, we decided to open the blog space up to anybody in the SGA who was interested in posting things. While myself and the First-Year Ambassadors will continue to take responsibility for providing new content on a regular basis, I'm excited to see the new perspectives that will soon be appearing alongside ours. Additionally, we will be accepting submissions from anybody who would like to see something posted in this space. For now, you can do so by contacting me directly: If it turns out a lot of people want to use this I might try to get a genuine "" address set up for us.

We should be fed into myUMBC at some point this coming week, so if you want to throw us a few "paws" I'm sure the authors will love you.

Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions, and above enjoy the Zwybak ride.


sameera said...

Awesome :D

Anonymous said...

NIce ... XD