

Thursday, February 14, 2008

At UMBC Underground, there is a new article about Leadershape that everyone should read. I attended Leadershape when I was a freshman two years ago, and I was a co-facilitator for this past one. Both experiences were amazing, and I am a better leader and person for attending.

A lot of people are skeptical about Leadershape. Some say it's a waste of money for spending a week somewhere in the woods doing icebreakers. Others say that people who go become "elitists" and look down on those who do not attend Leadershape. I have met some great people through the Leadershape process, and I have had the chance to see them develop as campus leaders too. However, I know just as many, if not more, people who are great leaders as well without attending Leadershape.

Read the article and post your comments here and/or there.