
Sign up for "My D-Txt" Today!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Join Dining Services Text Messaging list!

This newly created feature was discussed today at the food services committee meeting. The idea is that you go online to and click on "Events and Promos." There you will see a picture/link about signing up to get "D-Txts." Fill out the request form provided, and soon you will be receiving text messages on the special being offered by the dining hall that day. They are starting out with only one or two texts a week, and based on feedback will alter the program as necessary. So if you are someone who really looks forward to lobster night or any of the various specials, and are never certain which day it will be on then feel free to sign up for D-Txts! It's especially convenient if you have unlimited texts, otherwise its just a normal text messaging fee to receive one message.

There was a suggestion to send out one text message on sunday listing the specials for the following week just to reduce the number of texts that may be coming out, but its not finalized. The staff would like to test it out first with only a couple of texts a week, but on the day the special will be given to remind you so you don't forget, or to inform you if you were never aware in the first place.

Any comments our feedback you have on this would be greatly appreciated by the dining hall staff and I will make sure I present it to them as an option.


SteelWolf said...

Excellent post Whitney. This is an interesting initiative on the part of Food Services. Perhaps now students will be better equipped to decide if going to the dining hall really is "worth the walk." :P

sameera said...

Nice; I had no idea that Food Services was thinking of doing this. I agree that it's an interesting concept.. hopefully it'll be effective.