
CGA in action this past week

Thursday, February 28, 2008

i initially wanted to post parts of this as a comment on the Defining Marriage in MD wall but i thought it would be a good idea to post it as a new blog to show , many times we debate issues, and josh and i do not agree all the time, and the cga is not perfect- contrary to popular belief ;p

the past monday cga had a meeting to discuss what the course of action for the next month or so. heres my version of the minutes.

brian frazee is in the final steps of finalizing the red card initiative, which saves us students some change around the community when presented at a place of business. For more on the red card initiative go here-

stephanie is heading up the voter registration. if you need to register to vote please do and if you need a registration card you can either print one out here or come pick one up at the sga office.

ive been brainstorming the idea of having a cga poll function on myUMBC so that we can, at times, get a better feel of what the 'beat' on campus is ive set up a mtg with collier jones in oit and am hoping to have that option ready to roll soon.

josh has been lobbying in annapolis pretty much every other day on textbook, tuition, and tuition reembursement legislation.

in other news josh and i have had an ongoing discussion about lobbying in regards to gay marriage legislation in annapolis.

ill try to quote myself. at the past cga mtg to provide my opinion-

'this is sticky. people have very strong opinions about this issue. one side or the other. it would be very difficult to represent the entire campus on this issue. regardless of our stance people will be pissed and polarized. abstenance is 100% effective at certain points in time.'

'there are ceratin bills that the entire campus (or pretty damn close to the entire campus) would be in favor of and by supporting the cga would give a voice to the entire campus in annapolis on these issues, (ie text books being cheaper, a dedicated source of funding for higher ed, tuition reembursement, etc.).'

just wanted to fill everyone in, briefly, what the cga has been doing.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the update! its good to know that the CGA office is working for students and our issues in Annapolis