
*Chef's Fare-Wednesday 2/27

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Come out to what is called the "Chef's Fare" this coming Wednesday night in the dining hall! The Chef's Fare is a night where other chefs from various schools are invited to compete with UMBC's chef. The idea is you enter the dining hall and the chef's prepare their specialty dish for everyone to sample, and at the end you get a chance to vote on which dish you liked most. Our very own chef has traveled to two other events so far this semester and has come out victorious on both occasions! If you see an item you've never seen before, you're encouraged to try it. It is very important that you go to the dining hall Wednesday night and participate in this event because it could have a beneficial impact on you. If you like what you tried (no matter which chef made it), and whatever was offered becomes popular, then sodexho will add it to their program, and you will see it more often throughout the semester. All of the chefs have culinary degrees, and are qualified to work at hotels and restaurants, so there will be some quality competition to say the least... come HUNGRY!


Anonymous said...

What time???

Whitney said...

4:30-7:30 the usual time alotted to use your meal at the dining hall

Whitney said...

There are 4 different chefs competing from loyola, CCBC, Marymount, and Villa Julie. There will be a DJ there as well.

Whitney said...

In addition to our chef...of course!

Geoffrey said...

I was really disappointed with the quality of the meal. This is a shame; I was looking forward to some excellent cuisine, but instead I was left wanting.

Before the quality of the meals are discussed, I should also say something about the human traffic: it was appalling! What is normally a thirty minute meal turned into ninety minutes because there wasn't any line management. Congestion was especially trying when attempting to grab trays, plates and utensils - many thought I was trying to cut in line when I wanted a fork.

The food was a major disappointment. I honestly believe that all the rushing from all of the different chefs had a major impact on the quality of the different meals. I partially enjoyed the desserts, but many times I found that certain flavors (mostly too sweet ones) were concentrated and completely overpowered the rest of the dessert's flavor.

I eventually became disgusted in general and ordered out. In this customer's opinion, everyone lost. This includes UMBC for failing to consider traffic. If there were even one person directing lines, the experience of many would be less bothersome.

The dj was ok, but my taste in music is outside of the mainstream. I would like UMBC to give this better consideration in the future.

SteelWolf said...


I really appreciate your taking the time to post your experience. Please know that line management in the Dining Hall is an issue that is being addressed as part of the food services recontracting process.