
Hooray Seniors!

Friday, February 22, 2008

So I've been really interested in the idea of a senior gift for a little while now. My original vision was something similar to the inner harbor crabs (if you've ever seen them). I really wanted each class to be able to paint/decorate a statue that would be displayed somewhere on campus. Not only would this be fun, but it would also increase school spirit and retention (two issues I'm very interested in).

After thinking about it further, however, I realized a lot of potential issues with this idea.
1) What are we going to do in 60 years when there is an overcrowding of statues?
2) Who would pay for the materials?
And a few more problems. So that kind of put a hold on things.

Anyways, that's where I was at the end of last semester. Fast forward to this semester:

I met with Phil Recchio of the Alumni Association a couple of weeks ago about this idea. The meeting was really interesting; he had a completely different vision for a senior gift than I did. Phil wanted to do a literal "gift"- he would like to see the senior class raise money that would go towards a scholarship for a needy student.

The details haven't been worked out or anything, but the basic idea is this:

Seniors would donate money (through basic donations or admission fees to various events), and recieve prizes (t-shirts, mugs, etc.). There would be a selection process, and that money that was raised would go to one (or potentially more) needy students. Apparently there are other institutions that do a similar program, so it does work.

While I do think that this is a cool idea, I'm not sure if it is something that the SGA should be involved in. This idea would really only benefit a few students, and would only involve the senior class. The reason that I think an actual, physical senior gift is an okay project for the SGA to take on in that it does have a bigger effect- it could increase school spirit, improve campus, and/or increase retention rates depending on the gift.

I'm still thinking about this idea, and will try to get some program in place if not this year, definitely next year. For this year, I at least want to do some sort of senior week, with discounts and prizes, and anything else that I can think of. Any suggestions?


bricknhymr said...

This is something that has been tossed around for many years within SGA and the Alumni Association. My Personal though has been for at least the first few years, something physcial is important, something for classes to come back to, to build a sense of Alumni returning to campus. Also I think that as time moves forward, scholarships and endowments can be created, but for this second they may not be the best possible gift.

I think this is something that UMBC needs. We need a way to have new alumni feel connect to the campus as they leave, particularly as they enter a world where they might not have a great deal of extra income to give back to the community.

Scholarship are great, but every so often students need a reminder that the people who came before them have pride in where they are now, something to show people that when you physically leave UMBC you leave a part of you there. Something to return to, something to be your home on campus.

A Bench, an arch, a renovated classroom, a tile inlay of the logo in the commons or a new (more spirited) paint job on the silo. All of these can be accomplished, and could lead to more giving, for scholarships and other things. Scholarships are not something that can be seen or held by the current students, so they cannot build momentum from them. Do something physical and then move onto the scholarships...

my two cents.

JenKent said...

thanks for the feedback...i totally agree with you :)

SteelWolf said...

Echoing bricknhymr, I would like to see the "Senior Gift" be more like a "senior project," in which something that benefits the whole campus could be accomplished.