
Welcome New Readers

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Since we've recently been added to the list of feeds appearing on myUMBC, I want to welcome everybody who may be visiting this space for the first time. If the name has you thinking "wtf?" I invite you to click the "wtf?" tab at the top of the page for an explanation.

Zwybak is maintained by members of the Student Government Association and we use this space to comment on UMBC as well as share the current goings-on in and around our offices.

I invite you to explore some of our more recent posts and leave comments if you feel so inclined. You can also use the "bookmark" button not only to add a particular page to your bookmarks, but also to share the link via sites like Facebook.

That's all for now - enjoy the ride. Zwybak!


Anonymous said...

Early congrats. Zwybak's almost at 10,000 hits!