

Saturday, February 23, 2008

UMBC: 71

UNH: 68

What a game - go Retrievers! I have never seen the RAC so full of people as I did tonight. There was so much energy in the room and it felt wonderful to have so many fellow students cheering our team on along with me. I'm sure a lot of the other authors here and on other sites are going to have a lot to say about the complete experience so I don't want to steal too much of their thunder. However, the official athletics site is a little slow on the uptake with these wins and somebody has to put it out there on the internet.

Congratulations to the residence halls for putting on such a display of support - here's to making this a tradition for years to come. I believe Patapsco won but I always get it mixed up with Potomac so I'm going to try to avoid embarrassing myself until somebody else can verify for me. Potomac produced an outstanding show of support and should feel proud of the massive trophy they will get to display until next year.

A few other highlights: my roommate Matt Basch rocked the drums with the Pep Band, my friend Danielle made it to the top of the cheerleader pyramid a bunch of times, the announcer screwed up his introduction of Baton Stacy, the dance team took their shirts off, and Jen Kent wants to marry Brian Hodges (#24).


pyrodancer89 said...

It was Potomac that won, Patapsco had almost nobody (sad), UMBC sent UNH packing despite some refs who need their eyes checked, there was a giant cow walking around scaring the children, and more people knew the words to Bohemian rhapsody than the school song. Go Retrievers!

SteelWolf said...

Thanks for that pyrodancer. Can't say I'm too thrilled about the school song though (the lyrics are on the athletics site).

And Stacy still doesn't have a page on there - get on that athletics!

JenKent said...

Hey, Brian Hodges is awesome.