
Campus Appearance

Sunday, October 26, 2008

So I'm sure everyone noticed the yellow retriever fever signs stuck all around the loop for homecoming. Driving on to campus via Walker Ave on Friday I saw several signs advertising homecoming. The bonfire on Thursday drew a large crowd as did the fireworks. There were people all over campus and a very positive environment was created. I was actually impressed compared to the usual amount of notice homecoming receives.

Earlier today was the homecoming tailgate and soccer game, unfortunately I was unable to attend since I was at the MHEC SAC (Maryland Higher Education Commission, Student Advisory Council) meeting being hosted this month by Towson. Upon arriving at Towson I drive past at least 2 giant electronic signs advertising sporting events and other going ons. There are banners on the lightposts and signs. I knew I was on their campus even before I saw a single building.

The meeting was in a building in what appeared to be the middle of campus that overlooked their football stadium and several other athletic fields. Throughout the meeting we could hear cheers from one of the fields, although it wasn't the football stadium. As the meeting let out I could see a very large crowd of students from which I had heard the earlier cheers. They were quite a large crowd of students standing outside in the rain cheering for what if I remember was a soccer game.

As I left campus, I see several more signs and paw prints on the street leading to the fields from where I was just parked. There are signs advertising Towson. There was no mistaking that I was still on their campus.

So when I arrived back at UMBC today, from the Walker Ave entrance and again notice the lack of any permanent welcome sign. There's the big giant tent outside of Public Policy for the president's reception along with the brand new landscaping that was put in this week. There are still the yellow signs around the loop, however they are identical in form to the campaign signs that you see everywhere this time of year. It is almost as if this weekend was some temporary campaign for homecoming and once it is over everything goes back to normal.

However even with all of the past's weeks improvements for homecoming, in terms of just pure physical campus appearence, UMBC on homecoming weekend paled in comparison to Towson. The side road I took leaving Towson had a bigger and better sign than we have for our main entrance. An electronic sign advertising events beats a silo any day.

But it isn't Towson that is a top 5 up and coming school, it's UMBC. I think it's time that our campus started looking like it.


SteelWolf said...

What really bugs me is how fast similar signs would have been taken down had it been an enthusiastic and spirited student that put them up, as opposed to the campus administration.

Anonymous said...

the only reason anyone was at the bonfire was for free chipolte and free fireworks. as we all know, nerds like two things: explosives and chipolte. i had a class in the evening, and no one even knew it was homecoming until someone mentioned that it *might* be homecoming since other schools were having theirs.

if you want the typical homecoming vibe, big flashy signs, and big celebrations, go to towson. i personally like umbc's non-OMGITSHOMECOMING ways.

Anonymous said...

I agree 100%. Personally, I feel that homecomming at UMBC can be a little difficult or strained because we have no football team. It is what it is, our real homecomming is quadmania (which isn't the best - needs a better college feel. less carnival more bands and shit)

I also agree with Steelwolf but not with anon, he's wrong. Its nice to create an atmosphere that works for everyone if thats at all possible.


Rugger from another mother said...

@ anonymous

"I personally like umbc's non-OMGITSHOMECOMING ways" Why would you ever like not having your school getting excited about something? especially something like its homecoming? We should go to Towson if we want to get excited about a homecoming? I'm embarrassed there are people like you at this school.

Anonymous said...

In addition to UMBC looking like the impressive educational institution they are during fun events, some simple campus beautification can really be appreciated by students and faculty. The one thing I can think of is the pond overgrown with weeds and having a fountain that sounds like a growling sewer drain.

Unknown said...

On 11-11-08 there's going to be a Bone Marrow Registration and I wanted to get some signs posted around campus for the event, but the Sign Shop needs some amount of time before the event to put signs up and I missed the deadline. I'm sure if I put signs up on my own they'll get taken down and somebody would probably say something to us.

Anonymous said...

Mike, just start duct taping signs around campus. They can't stop you. Be like the Work for Students pyramid scheme.

G. Way said...

While I choose this school for a lot of reasons, it was the lack of a football team that sealed the deal. I love sports, but Americas fascination with our version of football astounds me. That said, as much as I appreciate and support academics and intellectual sports, I would love to see school spirit get ramped up during Homecoming. I think some of the simple things like banners and signs mentioned in the article would be enough.

I am very proud to go here; the opportunities I've gotten through the faculty-student interactions are ensuring that I am well connected and well prepared for life after college. I can't stand when students bash this school; your unhappiness here is the result of your failure to make the most of the opportunities provided.

UMBC needs to play to its strengths (academics and intellect) while supporting less-narrowly minded students with an active campus life. Achieve both, and school spirit will be a given.