
Commons - Weekend Rotation Schedule

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

For those of you who don't know, food services are doing an experimental opening of various stations in the commons on specific weekend dates over the course of the semester. They are doing this as a result of hearing many complaints from students about how the commons is never open on the weekends (leaving no room for variety, making the area seem dead to visitors on weekends, and to students who reside on campus). I am posting the dates and the specifics of the weekend rotation, so that everyone is aware of what they are and be available to attend. I recommend anyone and everyone who can choose to stay on campus for these weekends in particular and go to the commons between 11am and 5pm for lunch or early dinner to use a meal, or purchase something would be really beneficial. The more turn-out food services sees from these "trial openings" the more inclined they will be to make decisions in the future about possibly keeping it open on a more regular basis. If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, or concerns please let me know!

Commons - Weekend Rotation Schedule
Sunday 03/02/08 – Petes Arena and Subs
Saturday 03/22/08 – Sandellas and Market
Sunday 04/06/08 – Salsa Rico and Jazzmans
Saturday 04/19/08 – Petes Arena and Subs
Sunday 05/04/08 – Sandellas and Market
Saturday 05/17/08 – Salsa Rico and Jazzmans
(The locations listed will be open from 11am to 5pm. Grill 155 will open 4pm to 10:30pm.)
This schedule can also be seen on