
Reznor does it Right

Monday, March 3, 2008

If you've been following this blog (or my personal one) for some time, you may have read a few of my past comments about the entertainment industry and things like filesharing.

In my mind, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails has made a big stand in the music world this week and decided to do things right. The first of the four albums in the set has been released for free either from his site or through popular Bittorrent trackers. The others are available through the tiered system of fees depending on how much physical material you want. The $5 for the complete digital set is little more than a donation - one I think many music fans would be happy to pay even if they downloaded the other three albums from alternative sources. The best part? All of the tracks are full quality, can be downloaded in lossless format, and are licensed under Creative Commons. This means you can use the songs essentially however you want, so long as you aren't trying to profit from them.

I would recommend checking out this instrumental effort by Trent and the band if you haven't already - after all, it's free.