
Student Fees

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Student Advocacy Dept. is currently working on advocating for a student activities fee increase. Please review and provide feedback over the following statement:

An increased Student Activities Fee will be extremely beneficial to the UMBC student body by providing more funding for SGA sponsored events, SEB events, and student organizations. These include T-Payne, Homecoming and its assorted events, Pre-game Tailgates, Ecofest, and the Stress-Free Zone .

The fee will also aid in increasing services to students such as library DVDs, Leadershape and Readership Programs, Prove It!, and many more

This fee, unlike all others, has not increased in the past 5 years and is becoming more limited each year with rising costs and inflation.

Here's some groovy links to find out more about this issue:

Dave's blog entry on the history of student fees

SGA budgets


The Student Advocacy Dept.


Elizabeth said...

I support an increase in the student activites fee, its the one fee that I actually use - but can anything be done about the Athletics Fee? That fee pays for athletic scholarships - so not only am I paying my tuition, I am paying someone else's tuition as well. I have never used the RAC, I don't go to sporting events, and I plan on taking my phys ed classes elsewhere because UMBC offers terrible phys ed classes. UMBC isn't even an athletics school, so why do they need $700 from every student to give out scholarships? The least they could do is provide some way for students how don't use the athletic facilities to get their money back - I could take another 4 credit course with that kind of money.

Anonymous said...

T-Pain :)

I think that it's more than fair that the Student Activities Fee be raised a bit to cover rising costs. I honestly feel like the Activities fee is the one fee that every student can honestly get their money's worth for. The current $78 fee covers all of the SEB events as well as countless other student organization events. You could probably consume $78 worth of free food from these events in a year, not to mention the heavily discounted tickets for stuff like T-Pain (who obviously costs more than $15 a ticket) and NYC trips and stuff.

That being said, the Athletics fee is insane! It's super super high, and I certainly am not getting that much out of the RAC or the basketball games.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's fair to ask us to pay more money to attend a school that is already too expensive. I am taking a lot of classes elsewhere to put towards my degree here because it is so much cheaper.

I agree with Elizabeth's comment, I barely use the RAC, maybe I go there 2 or 3 times a semester. Why am I paying not only my own tuition but also for another person who I don't even know. Just because someone can play a sport well does not mean they should get a free ride off my hard-earned money.

If you want to hold more student events, learn to budget better. You charge students for things anyway, use that money. Or make it optional, if you pay an increased student activities fee, then you get discounts for activities that cost us money. That would be nicer than assuming everyone can pay more to the school.